Monday, November 16, 2009

Introducing: The Java Jacket

I found a pattern for Java Jackets somewhere in my cyber travels and crocheted a couple of them this summer which I sold at the Sales Table at camp this summer. On the ride home, I crocheted another out of some yarn that my sister Wendy gave me. It's Vermont yarn, spun and dyed in VT. I've been carrying one with me and using it whenever I order a hot beverage in a coffee shop.

I've also been conducting an informal survey of coffee shop staff. Here's the informal results of my informal survey: over 95% of respondents agree that the java jacket is cool. The same 95% think that all customers should use the java jacket. The very same 95% think it's an environmentally-friendly product. Let's forget for the moment that we're still all using a paper coffee cup! The java jacket is small and can fit in your pocket or purse.

Thankfully, my product has attracted the attention of the buyer for a natural foods store in Newport, VT. I'll be producing 12! Yes, a dozen! For SALE at Newport Natural Foods in Newport, VT. The above, in red, is my favorite. I've made a total of 4 so far, one of which I ripped out. One is in the works. I've given myself a deadline of November 30th. No problem. I can make 9 more in.... what's today???