Tuesday, July 6, 2010

4th of July weekend

After feeling as though I lost an entire week last week due to my misadventures in airline travel, I was really looking forward to spending the holiday weekend in Carver with my pal Beki and her husband Jason. Trevor had a gig in Burlington VT on Saturday night, and was hired to stilt-walk in the Hingham, MA 4th of July parade on Sunday afternoon. I love the Hingham 4th of July parade so I decided to drive to Carver on Saturday and enjoy the company of Beki and Jason and Trevor would meet us there much much later (like in the wee hours of the morning.) Beki and I enjoyed refreshing cocktails on her deck before dinner and got caught up on "news" (AKA gossip). We had a yummy home-cooked dinner and were snoozing by 9 p.m. Trevor arrived sometime around 3:30 in the morning and somewhat surprisingly, went directly to bed.

On Sunday, he was up and out the door by about 9:30 a.m. and headed to Hingham for the parade. We planned to meet him at the end of the parade route and drive him and his fellow guild member and stilt-walker, Henry, back to the start of the paraded route to get Henry's car and Trevor's stuff. We arrived in Hingham square just moments before the route was barricaded and parked at the town beach. Since we were at the end of the parade route it wasn't until almost 12:30 (parade kick-off was 12:15 p.m.) when the parade reached us. Trevor and Henry arrived sometime around 1:30 p.m. looking hot and tired! Since it was a bit of a scorcher on Sunday, Beki, Jason & I decided we'd seen enough of the parade and found Trevor and Henry just around the corner from where we were sitting taking off their stilts and wiping sweat from their brows. We walked to the car and then took a round-about route back to Hingham High School where Henry's car was parked. Loaded up my car with Trevor's stuff and drove back to Carver.

Later on Sunday afternoon we visited Beki's brother Sean and his darling 18 month old cutie-pie daughter Caroline for a short while. Caroline is, without a doubt, adorable! From Sean's house we drove to Fairhaven to Beki's BFF Amanda's gorgeous beach house on West Island to hang out, play Quiddler, watch the sunset (above) and then watch an absolutely amazing display of fireworks across the water. Trevor counted a total of 36 different shows in surrounding towns.

On Monday we drove to Scussett Beach and were disappointed to find the the parking lot was full so drove north back to Plymouth in search of a beach with parking and eventually ended up in Plymouth to see the Mayflower II and Plymouth Rock. We drove home that afternoon in scorching heat in my car with no AC.  We all had a such a great time that we hope to do it again next year! Except the part where my car has no AC and beaches were too full.

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