Saturday, September 6, 2008

Morning Glories taking over the garden

A few years ago I planted some morning glories from seed. I'd never had good luck with morning glories before but that year they came up and I built a little trellis (sort of) out of bamboo gardening stakes and hemp twine and they climbed up the trellis and onto the porch and looked lovely. When they died in the fall I just left a few vines on the ground and the following spring they reseeded themselves. They've been reseeding ever since and now it's to the point where they completely take over and are climbing on everything and anything that gets in their way. This is okay with me since just about everything around the morning glories has gone by and the garden still looks good. It's just covered in morning glories!

I like using the macro feature on my camera to get close up photos of flowers.

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