Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My Very First Amigurumi

My husband, Trevor , gave me Tiny Yarn Animals by Tamie Snow for Christmas. I immediately went searching in my bag for some yarn that I could use to make an animal. Amigurumi is Japanese for stuffed toy, in case you didn't know. I was at my parents' house at the time so didn't have my whole stash with me. I did just happen to have some pink merino yarn though. Valley Yarns Amherst Powder Pink to be specific. Tamie Snow recommends using the "cheap stuff" which I don't carry with me. I do have some "cheap stuff" but it's not what I use on a regular basis. Anyway, I pulled out some yarn and hook and got to work! I didn't work on it continuously but if I did I probably would have finished in 2 or 3 hours. I started it on Christmas day and by the next evening it was mostly done. I finished up on Saturday morning, with help from Elijah, my sister's cat. We were staying at their house at the time. So, to finish my yarn about the little pink piggy, I added it to the bag of gifts for Chloe's 3rd birthday, which was Monday the 29th.


Anonymous said...

That is sooo cute. Can't wait to see more.

Miss you, love you, Barbara

Katie said...

This is great, Nancy! I bought myself Amigurumi world - Seriously Cute Crochet by Ana Paula Rimoli a while back. I think I might be partially finished with an egg. Yep. A plain egg (it goes with the chicky later). I'm teachin' myself as I go along here! I long for the days like we whiled away at retreats and camps - with nothing much to do but sit around and fiddle with yarn. I should do that more but the company is lonlier.