Sunday, November 8, 2009

Little Trip to the NEK

That white stuff floating in the air? It's snow! We spent a few days at Little Newfield in Island Pond, VT because we could. There was a dusting of snow on the ground both mornings we were there. We kept the woodstove going and got the little cabin quite toasty. The cabin is a "chop wood" kind of place. Thankfully, it's no longer a "carry water". And since it's off the grid, yes, it's also a "do dishes" kind of place too. Two out of three isn't bad. It's better in my opinion.

I spent most of my time reading for an upcoming assignment in one of my classes. I did make a short trip to the Island Pond Public Library to check my email and (ahem) update my Facebook status. I thought I might try to do a bit of work while I was there but I was very distracted by the library director who was talking rather loudly to someone on the phone. Geez! We're in a library! And from the sounds of the conversation, I'm not even sure if we were in the same library. He was making it out to sound like it was a lot bigger than it really is. Don't get me wrong, I love the Island Pond Public Library. It's a really nice little library. But their catalog isn't on-line...and they don't have a website....

Trevor spent his time doing crossword puzzles, reading science fiction, splitting wood, and cranking the radio. We listen to a Canadian radio station that's en Francais and really enjoy being out of touch with the US while we're still in the US.

Just before we left, when the propane was shut off and all of our stuff packed into the truck, Trevor made a valient effort at turning off the water beneath the cabin. But since we didn't know that the shut off valve was wrapped in a foot of insulation, he never found it. The owner will ask a friend to turn it off.

We hope to get up there again but we may have to schlep our stuff in on a toboggin.

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