Tuesday, February 3, 2009

If You Don't Hear from Me for a While...

Like I said, if you don't hear from me for a while it's because I'm completely overwhelmed by the amount of reading and work I'm doing for grad school. I'd probably do just fine if it was one class. I'd do all the reading and do a bang-up, stellar job on the assignments, but, I'm taking two classes and, well, it's a lot of work!
The Reference and Information Services class that I'm in is my equivalent of undergrad Paleontology with Jim Cullen at Salem State College. That may not mean much to most of you but imagine this: learn 233 sources (reference sources: print, on-line, etc) by the end of the semester. It's your final exam: 30% of your final grade. It's pretty much the same as: learn the phylum, class, order, family, genus, species of all of these specimens (fossils) from 2.5 billion years ago to 65 m.y.a. (that's 'million years ago'). Okay, it's maybe not that bad but at this point in the semester it feels like it. Yes, I'm overwhelmed, to say the least...
Did I mention that I'm taking another class? And the other one isn't exactly a walk in the park either. I'm confident I'll survive all of this but there's added stress in my life in the form of an evil housemate (and I don't use the term 'evil' lightly) who refuses to move out. We even offered him cash! If someone offered me cash, I'd find another place to live. He refuses to pay rent, utilities and do house chores. Nice, huh? So we'll likely have to go to housing court to get rid of this giant 47 year-old self-proclaimed Red Neck teenager who's a big bully. OK, I admit I'm ranting.... but I need to.
Nice timing too. I've waited 10+ years to start grad school and now this giant baby is causing a lot of stress in our lives. We're both completely baffled by all of it. I'm a trusting person, perhaps too trusting, some might say. But that's only because I'm wanting my version of Heaven here on Earth right now. I strive for it on a regular basis. When something like this happens all I learn from it is that I can't trust people and I have to protect myself even more from something like happening in the future. Not exactly my idea of Heaven...

Feel free to send me an email, call, chat with me on Facebook...


dad the thief said...

hit him in the kneecaps with a basball bat.

Nancy Little said...

Yeah... the other night we were trying to figure out if we knew anyone with mob connections.
He's a LOSER...we have written documents from him telling us he's not going to pay rent anymore. He's not very intelligent either. Trevor talked to lawyer last night and a judge will likely agree with us. I'm feeling a bit better about it but he creeps me out! Sorry to say his name is George. But you're "Dad" to me so I don't have any bad associations with the name and you.