Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Chloe's Imaginary Ice Cream Shop

This is Chloe. She's 3 1/2 years old. While we were at her house on Saturday night for a family dinner, she was running an imaginary ice cream shop. She offered me a cherry and carrot ice cream cone. An unusual flavor combination but it was quite tasty.

This is what happened when she offered Trevor an ice cream:

Chloe ran into the dining room where Trevor was sitting at the table. The ice cream shop was in the living room. She said, "It's imaginary ice cream. Do you want some?"

Trevor says, "Sure, I'd like some pumpkin ice cream."

Chloe says, "We don't have that kind."

Jon, Chloe's dad, interrupts and says, "Could you pretend..."

Chloe says, "Yes"

And as she was walking back to get it, Trevor called after her, "And I'd like that with jimmies and coconut, please."

As she went to get the ice cream, Trevor said, "May I have it in a cup please?"

To which Chloe responded, "We don't have cups, but we do have some really nice sugar cones."

Trevor said, "Okay, if you don't have any cups, I guess I'll have a cone."

As she was leaving the room, Trevor said, "May I please have a spoon? Do you have any spoons?"

As she was coming back with Trevor's ice cream, Chloe said, "Of course we have spoons."

To which Trevor responded, "Good, because I'm going to put my ice cream in this real cup here on the table and eat it with a spoon."

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