Friday, May 15, 2009

More May Flowers

If someone offers you violets, remember this: JUST SAY NO! That's right! Say NO to Violets! They will take over your....GARDEN! Even the tiniest amount of violets will explode and become your entire garden. I'm not kidding. I've got a problem there!

This isn't even all of them. There's more.
Anyone want any violets?

Lilacs. I love lilacs. Don't you wish it was a scratch n' sniff?

BIG Lilac.

It's huge! I still wish it was purple.

1 comment:

JenO said...

You can eat those violets. Use the leaves in any recipe that calls for spinach. I have way too many violets as well but I recently learned that they edible. How great is that. I have been slaving away on a garden when I had food growing that I can't kill no matter how hard I try!