Worst Quiddler hand ever! I did manage to pick up an H and discard an A before Trevor went out. He won this game! His score was 318 mine was 295. ( I don't always win.)
It's raining today. All day. Summer's over. Boo hoo.... was wishing that since we got April for July that we'd get July for September or something like that but I'm wrong.
We had a beach day on Wednesday. We went to my new favorite beach, Rocky Neck Beach State Park in Connecticut. It's about 1.5 hours from here. The water was really warm, the sand super fine, and a bit windy (watch out for that umbrella!). I was so happy to be there I was jumping up and down in the water. Waves were good too! I got a few new freckles, too. Nothing like a beach day to cure what ails me.
I made a book display in the fiction department at the good old Springfield City Library where I volunteer once a week. This time my theme is "Culinary Mysteries". And, no, it's not mystery food. Although, that's what you sometimes find in the back of the fridge when you've forgotten about leftovers. Culinary Mysteries are cozy mysteries (the kind of mystery where you never read about the blood and gore of the actual murder) with a cooking theme. On Monday I'll make a book list to go along with the display. My last fiction display was quite popular with the patrons. I'm hoping this one will be too.
I'm not making any promises about blogging more often since that didn't stick last time.
is a culinary mystery like using a frozen leg of lamb to beat someone to death and then roasting the leg of lamb and serving it to the detectives that are investigating the crime?
Sure! You'd better get started on writing your culinary mystery!
You do too always win, my love!
We still have plenty of summer (or at least Indian summer) down here if you want to come visit! Maybe we'll trade you for some snow come December!
I'm desperately trying to pretend summer isn't over, but these cool mornings and the frost warnings I'm hearing for northern Vermont are bringing me back to reality. We still have some nice days ahead of us, I'm sure of it.
The word looks kind of Hawaiian
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