Monday, April 20, 2009

Bird Channel

Here's Tiger Lily sitting at "her" window waiting for the Bird Channel to have some visitors. It's early March and Mom hasn't paid the cable bill. That is to say, I haven't bought bird seed in while. Thankfully, a couple of weeks ago I sprang for a 50 pound bag of sunflower seeds on sale at Dave's Pet City and we're back in business. Now that we're having temperatures in the 60s and 70s during the day, the window can be open and she can enjoy surround-sound and smell-o-rama.
Regulars on the Bird Channel include:

Female American Goldfinch. What is going on down there?

Male American Goldfinch. I don't know what's going on down there but I see it too.

Mr. and Mrs. Cardinal always arrive together.

Mrs. Sparrow nags Mr. Sparrow and he simply turns his back to her.

Mr. and Mrs. House Finch. Herman, someone is watching us!

My personal favorite, the brave and daring Black-capped Chickadee.

Another personal favorite, the Chipping Sparrow, occasional guest in the winter months.

Another winter guest, the Dark-eyed Junco.

Performing amazing, gravity-defying tricks, hanging from his hind feet while he eats from the feeder, an unwelcome guest on the Bird Channel, the Gray Squirrel.

An occasional guest on the Bird Channel, the red squirrel. Not nearly as annoying and cuter than his cousin, the Gray Squirrel.

Special guest last week, the Downy Woodpecker.

I forgot to mention the Tufted Titmouse, another regular winter guest. Most recently we've had grackles and mourning doves.

All of these photos were found on Google images.

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