Monday, April 27, 2009


My chiropractor told me to buy new shoes. Specifically, she told me to buy Birkenstocks because they have good arch support. She doesn't know this about me, but I have 3 pairs of Birkenstocks: 2 pairs of sandals and a pair of clogs. The sandals, one of which is pictured above, are about 10 years old. They sandals were in need of a little repair. I didn't want to buy new sandals for the following reasons:
  1. New Birkenstocks cost over $100.
  2. New Birkenstocks take months to break in.
  3. I am a Frugal Yankee.
  4. We're in a recession and this is the best time to apply the "Frugal Yankee" excuse.
So down to the work bench I headed with my sandals. The sole of the left sandal on each pair needed to be glued together. I used GOOP water-proof adhesive and a finger "condom" (a tiny little latex condom-like thing that covers your finger - I'm sure they have a medical use that I don't want to ponder right now...) to apply the GOOP to the sole between the sole of the sandal and the bed of the sandal. Then I used a giant C-clamp to hold the sandal together. I'm sure D.O.D. (dear old dad) has other uses for C-clamps, like repairing furniture, but that's what I'm using it for. Because I could only find one giant C-clamp for that was perfect for this purpose, for the second sandal I just applied the GOOP and have been wearing them all day. Perhaps the weight of my body (!) is enough.

Sandals should be about as good as 10 year old Birkenstocks with a little GOOP applied would ever be. What I'll do come Fall, I don't know. I'm not one for socks with Birkenstocks.

Addendum: I've been corrected. This is not a C-clamp. It's a pipe clamp.

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