Monday, April 27, 2009

Stuck Indoors on a Lovely Day

We're having a heat wave. I love it when summer arrives in April! On Saturday, Stephanie, our Reference instructor, brought us outside for the 2nd half of class. It was great! We sat in the amphitheater on the campus and it felt very much like ancient Greece but we weren't watching a Greek comedy. We were talking about Library 2.0 tools and annotated bibliographies. And off in the distance were the sounds of a horrible amateur heavy metal band.

Ah.. gotta love college campuses in the spring. Young women running around barely clothed. Bad music. It hasn't changed much. Except, it seems like the barely clad young women are even more barely clad these days. Seems to be more prevalent at a woman's college, even at Mount Holyoke. Makes me feel old.

Summer weather or not, I spent most of yesterday inside working on a paper that's due at 5PM today. I did move outside when I had to do a bit of reading but it was back indoors when I had to get back to the writing. Now we're into day 3 of summer weather and I'm indoors again! And I will be until I get that paper done!

So, why am I blogging?

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