Saturday, August 2, 2008

Dogs do Understand English

I'm in Fryeburg, Maine and for the past 3 days I've been helping my friend, Lee, clean cabins at the Fryeburg New Church Assembly in preparation for camp opening today. I've been staying at her house in East Fryeburg on Stanley Hill Road. Yesterday morning she and her husband, Dan and I were sitting around the dining table with our dueling laptops and mugs of coffee, tea, etc, and their 2 year old dog, Lady, was lying on the floor behind Lee.

Lee's been trying to get together her religion class for camp. She's teaching the younger class for the first week. She was looking at a website of the New Church when she says, "I wish I could sing." And Lady (the dog), lying on the floor behind her, says, "HAHAHA".


erikatenkids2 said...

Hey Nancy.....tell Lee I said Hi! Heck, tell everyone at Fryeburg Hi! Someday I'll get back......( I got you blog from Shelley....check out my blog and my kids
feel free to share with anyone (give Dan and Lee and Aunt Martha a hug for me)
Kate (Rienstra) Pruiett

dad the thief said...

maybe if the dog understands english he is the author of the sign.