I spent most of Sunday afternoon writing cover letters and sending my resume to a few potential jobs, which I had to do at the home of my cousin-in-law Andrew and his lovely wife, Sarah, since the DSL was out at our house and I had a deadline of August 31st for one of the positions I was applying for. It was such a nice afternoon but a deadline is a deadline and so I spent it indoors at my computer at someone else's house. I told myself since I was working on a Sunday that I would take Monday, Labor Day, off. Even the unemployed deserve to take Labor Day off.
So, on Monday, because I had labored on Sunday, Trevor & I went to visit our friends, Don & Barbara in Bellows Falls, VT. They were laboring on Labor Day though. They had all kinds of stuff to bring to their church in Westminster West, VT for the church tag sale this coming Saturday. When we called to say we were on our way they said they were sure they'd be back by the time we got there. We arrived exactly when I said we would and they weren't home yet. First I checked all the doors to make sure they were locked. I mean, to see if they'd possibly left one unlocked. But, being the paranoid types that they are, sure enough they were all locked! Then I did my best imitation of Peter Rabbit and started snacking on their vegetable garden. The fresh snap peas were the best! When I was bored with that and in need of a bathroom I hunted around for some ferns and striped maple leaves and found a spot where I could relieve myself out of view of the next-door neighbor and the road below. Then Trevor & I noticed that there was a ladder leaning up against the back of the house that had, obviously, been there for quite a while since the grass was growing up around it and whoever mowed the lawn had carefully mowed around the ladder. Trevor climbed the ladder and discovered that the second floor windows were indeed locked. Gotta love those paranoid types. While Trevor was still up the ladder and tormenting the cat who was sunning herself in the bedroom, I went over to the porch above the garage one more time and discovered that the window into the dining room was not locked! Just as I was about to go tell Trevor that I'd found a way to break in, Don and Barbara came home! We all had a good laugh and went in the house together.
We had a really nice walk around the reservoir together despite the most vicious mosquitoes I've come across in a very long time. They were so thick that if you stopped or slowed down for just a few minutes they were on you! Once we got to the other side of the pond where there was a breeze we had some relief from the blood-thirsty mosquitoes and could slow our pace down a bit to enjoy our surroundings. No pictures from this walk though! Maybe next time.
Barbara cooked us a lovely meal and we went home happy and well-fed.