Saturday, January 24, 2009

Last Free Saturday until Mid-March

My classes at GSLIS West, as it's known, start next Saturday January 31st. I'm enjoying my last free Saturday until mid-March when I have my spring break. Not sure how one Saturday in March is really a spring break but we'll see when I get there. Then there's another one in April for Easter.

Are you curious how I've been spending my last free Saturday? First of all, I got up when I felt like it. This is not unusual at all. I've been getting up when I feel like since the middle of February 2008 when my former employer decided they could get by without a lab manager. I've been doing this with such regularity that I've forgotten how to work my alarm clock. I'll practice setting the alarm this week so that I'll be on time for my classes on Saturday.

So, I had one of my all-time favorite breakfasts that reminds me of my grandmother, Hattie. I made myself 2 soft-boiled eggs and a slice of my home-made 100% whole wheat bread toasted and smeared with butter. I served the eggs in one of Hattie's egg cups. The one that's large enough on the bottom to hold 2 eggs. And a cuppa Irish Breakfast tea sweetened with agave with dribble of milk. YUM! I love breakfast. It's my favorite meal.

After breakfast I got busy making lentil soup for Trevor. I don't eat lentil soup but he does. He's working at the Grand Summit Hotel at Mount Snow today stilt-walking in the lobby and playing games with kids.

And since it was Saturday, I did a very traditional Saturday chore: I WENT TO THE DUMP! Okay, it's really called the transfer station but I like to call it the dump. As usual, the old dudes that work at the Hatfield transfer station were listening to the polka show on WMUA 91.1.

I stopped in at the co-op on my way home and picked up some lunch. Had a nice chat with the cashier and the new marketing director and headed home.

This afternoon I did another traditional Saturday chore: I WENT TO THE PACKY! The returnables department was so swamped with people I decided to put my small bag of returnables in my trunk and pick up some wine.

I went to the car wash! My car was so gross! Now it's all shiny :-)

I decided to stop in at Webs and pick up some yarn (Plymouth Yarns Baby Alpaca Brush Paint) so that I can make myself another pair of fingerless mitts. While I was there I ran into my old house-mate, Jenny. It was so great to see her and hear about her and Jake's (another former house-mate) new baby. They live in Brattleboro, VT now.

A quick stop at the Forbes Library in Northampton to drop off books, movies, CDs and pick up some more and then I headed home.

It's been a pretty good day so far.


dad the thief said...

you remembered to go to the dump and the packy but forgot the hardware store.

Nancy Little said...

Darn! I knew there was a third "traditional" Saturday errand. I suppose that "library" has replaced "hardware store" in my traditional Saturday errands.