Monday, May 19, 2008

Weekend in Cambridge

I spent the weekend in Cambridge, MA. Thanks to my "fairy" godmother I have an apartment in Porter Square that I can use pretty much whenever I want. It's conveniently located 2 blocks from the Porter Square Red Line T stop, and 1 mile from Harvard Square. On Sunday, I walked the 1 mile from Newport Road, down Oxford Street to the Swedenborg Chapel at the corner of Quincy and Kirkland streets. These photos aren't in the order of my walk but too bad.
A huge beech tree somewhere on the Harvard campus on Oxford Street.

A pretty urban garden.

The Swedenborg Chapel.

Memorial Hall across the street from the Swedenborg Chapel.

A really cool fountain on the Harvard campus in front of the Science Center. Really cool rocks.

This is typical for Cambridge.

This was very funny. A pair of toddler-size jeans on the sidewalk which had apparently been there, from the looks of them for a while. Like, maybe weeks. I'm always curious about stuff like this. Like, did the parents notice the child was pantless?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello Nancy,

I like reading your blog!

I am glad to see that you are using your lack of a job well. It can be a challenge.