Thursday, May 1, 2008

Our new food co-op is open!

Yesterday morning at 8:45 was a brief ribbon cutting ceremony for our new food co-op - River Valley Market. There were at least 100 people gathered in the parking lot for this historic event. Some of us have been waiting almost 10 years for this day.

Many a tear was shed (myself included) when Rev. Andrea Avazian spoke about the dedication, commitment, and determination of this community project. It was so exciting and hardly felt like a reality. When I woke up this morning I reminded myself that the co-op was open and I could go whenever I wanted to!

I was interviewed by Kelsey Flynn from WRSI FM, known as "The River" here, about the geology of the site. Our co-op is built at the southern end of the Hatfield Pluton where there was once a quarry. Kelsey and I chatted briefly about the type of rocks that make up the Hatfield Pluton. It aired this morning at 7:40AM. Kelsey also interviewed Trevor. His brief and humorous interview aired about an hour later.

It was a great day. I look forward to many more great shopping experiences at the co-op.

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