Tuesday, March 18, 2008

How to stay busy while being unemployed

Are you wondering how I fill my days while I don't have a job?
It's pretty simple and I have to say that I'm getting really good at this.
If you should suddenly find yourself unemployed take some tips from me:
Get up when you feel like it. (for me this is anywhere between 6 and 8 AM)
Do whatever you want all morning. (this might actually include looking for a job, and looking at job listings on-line counts so you have a really good reason to be in front of your computer)
Keep a detailed calendar of appointments. (I have two this week!)
Make lists of projects to accomplish during this time period.
Scan old photos into computer and email them to old friends.
Clean the house from top to bottom.
Read a book. I'm currently reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver
Stay in pj's until noon if the spirit moves you.
Go back to bed if you want to.
Shower if you feel the need.
Get dressed.
Wear the same clothes as yesterday if you don't feel like opening the dresser drawers.
Goof around all afternoon.
Go for a hike on a sunny day. You don't have to wait until the weekend!
Visit as many local independent coffee shops as possible whenever you want because you can.
Crochet! Start projects and never finish them.
Fantasize about having the entire summer off!
Accomplish very little.
Make dinner.
Go to bed when you feel like it. (for me this is anywhere between 9 and 11PM)

1 comment:

Shelley said...

this all sounds quite lovely. i'm envious.