Friday, March 21, 2008

Job Security?

I got a letter in the mail last week that said I had to attend a seminar at one of the Career Centers that the State operates in order to continue to be eligible for unemployment. Translation: if you don't go to one of these seminars they don't send you your check. So I signed up and went to one yesterday. Naturally, there were no openings at the Career Center in Northampton (which is 5 minutes from my house) so I had to go to Greenfield (20 minutes north) or somewhere in the Berkshires (forget it). I chose Greenfield. At the seminar they tell you everything you can do at the career centers. They have a lot of classes, seminars, and workshops. They actually want to help people find a job.

The woman who was leading the seminar told us that she was unemployed 7 years ago. You'd think that if you worked for the Division of Unemployment Assistance that you'd have job security but apparently that isn't true. (I was the only one in the room who found this at all humorous. But I'm easily amused.) She went on to say how bored she was for the 5 months that she wasn't working. She told us that her house was really clean but she was really anxious to get back to work.

Now, it's only been a little more than a month since I was "let go" from my job and yet I am no where near being bored and my house is definitly NOT clean! I started cleaning the music room a few weeks ago and haven't finished yet. My list of things to do and places to go keeps getting longer. I really don't think I have time for a new job right now. A few people have said to me, "Oh, you'll get offered a fabulous job and you'll have to take it and it'll be all over." To that I say, "Not if I don't look for one!"

1 comment:

Emmy said...

glad you have done a complete 180 about how you feel about being unemployed. You were so upset when you lost your job and so worried. I think it's awesome you are embracing what life has dished out and enjoying it instead of getting yourself down like a lot of other people would be. *hugs*