Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I'm a bad influence on my friends

I met my good friend Rachel at Cafe Esselon in Hadley today. Here she is looking at my slides. She's back in the States for a couple of weeks on break from working on her MS in Environmental Studies at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. I like to tell people we went to high school together. But they usually figure out quickly that Rachel's 20 years younger than me! We actually met when she was a student at Northampton High School and I was working there in the Science Department. She was a science geek (and still is) so we actually go to know each other over the 4 years that we both spent at NHS. She used to hang out in my office and use my microwave oven to heat her lunch and sit and chat with me. She told me she loved geology and I, naturally, encouraged her to pursue her loves. Rachel graduated in 2003 and I was "let go" from my position at NHS and went to work at Nourse Farms. Rachel went to Wellesley College where she majored in geochemistry. When Rachel & I hang out and I ask her about her research I'm probably one of the few people who understands what she's talking about! Rachel has kept in touch with me since we both departed NHS 5 years ago and I'm always glad when she calls me up and we get together to chat. Today I told her about my big plans to attend photography school and showed her my portfolio. She admitted that she's a "wanna be photographer" and was a bit envious of my plans. I teased her about following in my footsteps (the geology degree that doesn't really get used, changing career paths in mid-life, etc.). I'll just have to wait and see what Rachel does next..

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