On his property he has a brook, waterfalls, beaver ponds and even a sand pit! He's also cut lots of hiking trails around the property. The land is a drumlin - a remnant of the last glacial period (or "ice age" as some like to say; did you notice how I said "last glacial period"?) At one point the land was pasture but the trees have grown up and so far we haven't found evidence of a foundation anywhere. But perhaps the original farm house wasn't anywhere near his 70+ acres.
On Sunday when I was there for brunch, we went for walk to check out a new trail that he cut. Pete's friend Luke spied this old car in the woods and asked if it was new (?)! We went to have a closer look and it seems to me that it's becoming one with the earth. There's moss growing on it; its tires are long gone; a tree has fallen on it and even the tree is moss-covered!
Pete joked that he'd just made the last payments on the car. But the big question is: What kind of car is it? And what year?
it looks like it's from the late forties
Upon further investigation I am pretty sure this is a 1948 dodge sedan.
Too bad I wasn't offering a prize!
I want to live there. I live way too far south in VT. All the junk I got on my property is a pile of rusty cans and a dead car battery, nothing cool.
Identical Don
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