Friday, October 3, 2008

One of these things just doesn't belong...

Remember that little ditty on Sesame Street, "One of these things just doesn't belong..."?

I don't know why, but there's been a light bulb in our fruit bowl for a couple of days now. Can you find it? What else doesn't belong in this fruit bowl?


Emmy said...

Yeah there is a carrot in there that clearly is not fruit. Is it a refrigerator magnet?

Katie said...

That's some nice lookin' fruit. The light bulb is the only thing I can't put in the food dehydrator....(and that fake carrot)

Jim DuBois said...

The weird banana that is not in a bunch does not belong. Bananas should go in a bunch.

Nancy Little said...

The carrot is wooden and it's from France. Myrrh bought it for Trevor many years ago. It's not a magnet. Just a wooden carrot. There's also a hand-knit banana in there but I think it's buried under the pears. Mom Woof made the banana.